- I was a victim of crime
- Rights of victims of crime
- Right to access support
- Rights during the investigation
- Right to information
- Information about services
- Information about how to make a criminal complaint
- Right to information in a language you understand well
- Right to accessible information
- Right to information about the criminal justice system
- Information about your ability to give evidence or make submissions
- Right to receive information about the case
- Right to make a complaint about your rights
- Rights when making a complaint
- Right be interviewed by the police without delay
- Right to be interviewed as few times as possible
- Right to an interpreter or translator
- Right to have medical examinations only when strictly necessary
- Right to have your individual protection needs assessed
- Right to have your property returned without delay
- Right to be accompanied
- Right to report a crime that occurred in another EU country
- Right to information
- Rights after you make your complaint
- Right to acknowledgement of a complaint
- Right to receive a copy of your statement
- Right to be informed if the investigation is stopped
- Right to information if the case does not go to trial
- Right to request a summary of reasons not to prosecute
- Right to request a review of the decision not to prosecute
- Right to request a summary of the decision not to prosecute but to deal with accused in another way
- Right to be informed if the accused is not mentally fit to be tried
- Right to information about the trial
- How you can be protected
- Rights at the trial
- Right to interpretation
- Right to victim support at court
- Right to information in advance
- Right to participate
- Right to limit contact with the accused
- Rights when giving evidence at trial
- Possibility to answer questions through an intermediary
- Right not to be questioned directly by the accused
- Possibility to give evidence from behind a screen
- Right to free legal advice and aid
- Compensation
- Expenses
- Rights after the trial
- Rights at the sentencing stage
- Rights after the sentencing
- Counselling notes
- Criminal proceedings in Ireland
- What is a crime?
- Should I report the crime?
- Investigation of an offence
- Decision to prosecute
- Going to court
- Which court does the case go to?
- Initial Appearance
- Bail
- Arraignment (guilty or not guilty plea)
- Preliminary trial hearing
- The trial
- Who is who in court
- Can I use social media during a trial?
- Why does the accused not have to give evidence?
- Can i be protected in court?
- Tips for testifying in court
- Outcomes of a trial
- Sentencing stage
- Appeals
- After sentencing
- Restorative justice
- Who is who